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С уважением Бугайчук К.Л.

Подумайте об этом

суббота, 8 сентября 2012 г.

MobiMooc - First step

Good day to all the participants of the course! My name Bugaychuk Konstantin. I live in Ukraine in the Kharkiv city. I work at the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. I am a PhD, associate professor. One of the areas of my interest is the e-learning and everything connected with it.

In everyday life and in my work I use a mobile phone (galaxy mini: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samsung_Galaxy_Mini) and a tablet (galaxy tab 7.0. plus: http://www.samsung.com/global/microsite/galaxytab/7.0/index.html?type=find). So I understand that mobile learning is useful and good.

In my university had not yet established mobile learning, but I am preparing myself in advance for this activity. For example, I started a site on Moodle and integrated to it mobile application MLE. Now, everyone who will learn, to be able to comfortably view the material from your mobile device, and interact with other students.

I think that the most important thing in education is not a mobile device. Most importantly - access anywhere, anytime 24/7, openness, simplicity, rapidity of reflection, constant interaction of the teacher and the student and its support.

I have experience in the field of massive open online courses (cMOOC). In 2011, I and my colleague Vladimir Kukharenko were the organizers and tutors first cMOOCs in Eastern Europe:

1. «Social services in distance education» http://el-ukraine.wikispaces.com

2. «Distance Learning from A to Z» http://elaz.wikispaces.com. This course we submitted to the international competition. Learn more about this course you can here: http://bugaychuk.blogspot.com/2012/06/2012-international-e-learning-awards.html (our application in English!).

What would I like to share for you?

1. In the course «Social Services in Distance Learning» we had a topic «Mobile learning». http://goo.gl/WoBkX. Here you will find many references in English and Russian on «mobile learning». This wiki is also a lot of sources in English on the web 2.0 services and personal learning environment.

In my blog you can find articles about MOOC and mobile learning:
Unfortunately, these articles in the Ukrainian language, but you can use the translator Google. In addition to the end of each chapter there is a list of literature, where you will find books and articles in English)))

In general, in my blog you can find lots of information on e-learning, and the use of web 2.0 services

2. I spent several webinars on mobile learning. I used the service Wiziq. I think that you do not understand my Russian))). But I have a few presentations that I will be translated into English and will share for the participants of this course.

In general, in this course, I have a divide with all of you. I'm not very good at English. So I will run slower you. But I will try to fulfill all the requirements of the organizers of the course and take part in all activities.

I will help Inge with her magisters work, and will take part in her online survey)))).

If you are my materials will be useful, write about it. You are free to use them for their research and work.

Also, I will use the content of this course to improve my future MOOC))))). All references to the authors will be saved)))

Thanks Inge for the invitation to the course and I wish us all a good job. I am very happy to be part of the community.

My some data:

Blog - http://bugaychuk.blogspot.com
Skype - buga1978
Twitter - @ bugaychuk
scoop.it http://www.scoop.it/t/ukrel11
Diigo group http://groups.diigo.com/group/ukr_el11
paper.li (daily newspaper) - http://paper.li/bugaychuk

3 комментария:

  1. Hello Bugaychuk, you have been busy and have a lot of information here. I am impressed with both your work and your enthusiasm. My interest is much smaller scale, but I look forward to following your project. An English teacher with copy editing experience, I would be happy to help "polish" your translations and smooth over awkward or unclear parts.

  2. Hi Bugaychuk

    Thank you so much for sharing your work. It is hard to obey Inge's advice to limit exploration to a few areas when people like you post such fabulous resources.

    This is the first time taking part in a MOOC. I wish to learn how to engage with my colleagues and students. The links you share look like a good start. While I am a UK doctor, as far as I see, mLearning is still in its infancy with very few local colleagues involved.

    Unless we in Britain recognise we have a problem there is little chance for progress.


  3. Hi David. My name is Konstantine. You are absolutely right. Few teachers in my country understand the importance of mobile learning. Mobile devices for students is fun. I believe that we need to show them that it is a good tool for learning.

    how to engage with your colleagues and students?

    MOOC for typical information overload and a chaos!!

    Student in this course sets himself the goal of learning, reading only the material that is available to it and like it, read all of it just can not because of redundancy.

    He does not have anything to write in the forum of the course, to express their views, defend their positions. But at the same time, in order to maximize the educational effect should be open. Only then will he be able to reach the goal within in the course.

    Lack of control provides comfort and increases motivation.

    You are not required to share information. You can work completely independently, without revealing anything to anyone. Sharing of information - it's your choice.

    I understand that participation in joint work - it's hard. People will see your mistakes, point them out. It's hard, and it is sometimes confused. But you'll try. You'll think more about what you're doing. And you will be rewarded - people will see that you have created and appreciate. For information and messaging and will create the content of any MOOC.

    Few recomendatioms ))):

    Set in a browser translator (for posts шт foreign language)
    Read only the interesting stuff for you
    Do retweet interesting links for you
    Make comments in interesting material and write in Delicious
    Organize reading material
    Write blogs
    Read and reply to messages discussions


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